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456. familia de lacroze

Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Lacroze/Fortabat

Born in Buenos Aires in 1838, Federico Lacroze quit his city job to make a small fortune in the town of Chivilcoy. Independently wealthy & known for his business savvy, the city government granted him a concession in 1870 to offer trolley service in Buenos Aires… horse-drawn at the time. Working with his brother, Julio—one of 10 siblings—their first line ran through downtown BA & connected Plaza de Mayo with Plaza Miserere (Once). In 1891, only three years before Lacroze passed away, they made the switch to electric trolleys.

Federico’s son, Teófilo, expanded the family business to include train lines & the B Line of the Buenos Aires subway system. A plaque shows visitors a bit of Federico’s history:

Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Lacroze/Fortabat

The mausoleum is striking… a Neoclassical temple with sculptures of eternal flames & representations of caskets on top:

Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Lacroze/Fortabat

Julio Lacroze was the grandfather of Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat, the richest woman in Argentina with a fortune of almost U$S 2 billion. Although her family was already wealthy, marriage to concrete magnate Alfredo Fortabat in 1947 placed her at the top. A bit scandalous for the time, “Amalita” had to get divorced in Uruguay before marrying Fortabat… but it was true love. He passed away in 1976 & she inherited the company plus all the work involved in running it.

Painted by Andy Warhol & amassing a huge art collection, she donated many works to a new museum recently opened in Puerto Madero. In fact, she was known for her charity… donating millions to those in need & stimulating the arts in Argentina. In February 2012, Amalia died of natural causes in Buenos Aires & was laid to rest in the family tomb, just above Alfredo.

Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Lacroze/Fortabat

Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Lacroze/Fortabat

Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Lacroze/Fortabat

Published inBusiness


  1. Alberto Alberto

    Are you sure that Mr.Fortabat rest at the Lacroze family mausoleum?,I ask you this because the journalist Luis Majul in his book:Los dueños de la Argentina,in the chapter dedicated to Amalita and her husband.He wrote that don Alfredo wants to rest in Loma Negra in the province of Buenos Aires.That place is the heart of the Fortabat cement empire.Thank you.

  2. Hola Alberto – Gracias por el comentario. Te voy a contestar en inglés pq escribís tan bien… I’m not 100% sure that Alfredo is there, but I assumed he was buried there for a couple of reasons. First, the caskets are very similar & likely made by the same company. Also, Amalita was so in love with Alfredo that I can’t imagine them being buried separately. I have read several books by Luis Majul but not that particular one… maybe he is buried in Olavarría. I will check with some friends & see what I can find out. Thanks very much!!

  3. Alberto Alberto

    Robert.Thank you for the compliment about my english,but I have a lot to improve.My grammar is weak in some topics.As we can read Sergio had the deference for us solving the enigma (link included).I wish you well.Gracias Sergio,muy bueno tu aporte.

  4. Victoria Victoria

    ¡Qué desgracia febrero!.Se fueron el mismo día Amalita y Juan Larreta.Después partió Delfina Mitre y para completar esta tristeza enorme, el sábado nos dejó Gloria Alcorta Mansilla de Girondo Uriburu.La literatura pierde a una de sus joyas.Que Dios los tenga en la gloria a todos.

  5. Hola Victoria! Ahora me entero de la muerte de Gloria Alcorta Mansilla! Increíble, no? Este año ya perdimos mucha gente… y faltan 10 meses para terminar el 2012. Saludos!

  6. Fabio Fabio

    Así que se fue Gloria Alcorta Mansilla de Girondo Uriburu?… Uau! Nunca pensé que realmente el nombre de una persona podría albergar la referencia a 4 calles! y de las más conchetas de Capital… Además, Lacroze y Mitre… No voy a ser el chiste fácil de los baches y/o piquetes que espero que no interrumpan el camino de nadie a ningún lado.

  7. Fabio – Creo que de todos los nombres que llegué a conocer en Argentina, Gloria lleva el premio. Sin duda. Inclusive mejor que: María Amalia Sara Lacroze Reyes Oribe de Fortabat Pourtale!

  8. Victoria Victoria

    Poner toda la carne al asador, lo heredamos de los españoles.De la Grandeza de España para ser precisa.Traten de escribir el nombre completo de Cayetana de Alba(XVIII Duquesa de Alba) o el de la XVI Duquesa de Fernandina y Princesa de Montalbán.Después me cuentan como les fue.

  9. fernando fernando

    Soy de Cordoba,realmente se la extraña a Amalita,realmente tenia y charme y un glamur increible, como la describio su nieta con esa frase del tango que dice ; NO HABRA NINGUNA IGUAL….NINGUNA…

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