Why blog about a cemetery? This particular one doesn’t receive nearly enough press, & the lack of accurate information in English is shocking. Visitors to Buenos Aires usually go inside, stroll around for a few minutes, find their way to Eva Perón’s family vault, then wander out. That’s not enough.
Even if ostentation is a turn-off, most of the movers & shakers in Argentine history are here along with their fascinating stories. Everyone should be able to identify with something in such a fantastic place. And with a little extra info, it’s easy to cover most of Buenos Aires just by walking these passageways. Hopefully, this blog will present a new manner of looking at Buenos Aires… a way to see the present city through its intriguing, immortalized past.
Raised in Memphis, Tennessee, Robert Wright moved to Seattle where he almost eliminated a heavy, southern accent. Almost. He worked as a toxicologist thanks to studying biochem, did time at a Korean shipping company after obtaining a Master’s degree in China Studies, & later ditched everything to move to Spain. It turned out to be one of the best decisions he ever made.
Robert spent 14 years as a tour guide & guidebook researcher for Rick Steves in Europe while living in Argentina. His own walking tours of Buenos Aires —including one of Recoleta Cemetery— were a big success, inspiring Robert to self-publish those routes & share an insider’s look of his adopted home. Although he returned to live in Spain in 2016, his guidebook business Endless Mile offers a visit of Recoleta Cemetery in PDF format. Contact info: robert@recoletacemetery.com.

Marcelo Metayer is a photographer, journalist & writer. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1969 & has lived in many places in Argentina, going between the mountains of Córdoba & the Atlantic coast. His fascination with cemeteries began a long time ago because he considers them to be “true open-air museums of architecture, sculpture & aesthetic movements.”
Some examples of his photography can be seen in Fotoscura on Facebook & Años de peregrinaje. Contact info: marcelo@recoletacemetery.com.