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388. rain damage

Entrance gate rain damage, Recoleta Cemetery

Due to heavy rains in Buenos Aires over the past week—the city received more than a normal month’s rainfall in just a few days—the entrance gate to Recoleta Cemetery suffered serious damage. Large portions of stucco crashed down last Saturday, & city engineers were on site Monday to figure out a course of repair.

Surprisingly enough, the ceiling is not made of brick like most buildings in Buenos Aires but merely a hollow, wooden frame. Architect Buschiazzo’s budget must have been tight in 1881:

Entrance gate rain damage, Recoleta Cemetery

Update (06 Mar 2010): It seems like city officials are taking advantage of the damage in order to make other improvements. The women’s restroom is currently gutted… perhaps a new one is on the way. For the moment, the men’s restroom is for the ladies. This is probably the only time to see the ceiling structure:

Entrance gate, former women's restroom, Recoleta Cemetery

Entrance gate, former women's restroom, Recoleta Cemetery

Published inCurrent events


  1. Sergio Sergio

    Ese tipo de acabado era muy común en esa época para evitar colocar mucho peso a la estructura de la cubierta, además permitia más flexibilidad a la hora de generar las molduras decorativas.
    El cañizo aportaba mayor resistencia al acabado de yeso, pero debe recibir buen mantenimiento y aislación.

    • Gracias Sergio! No soy arquitecto pero me interesa mucho y vi muy pocas estrcuturas de los 1880s con cañizo. Lo que más me sorprende es que sobrevivió 125 años sin el mantenimiento adecuado… es un testamento al architecto y los obreros de la época. Saludos!

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