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196. mhn update

Just finished updating the Monumento Histórico Nacional page & it was like writing several posts.

Besides naming all tombs considered part of the nation’s heritage, the list is now ordered by year. Some surprising trends appeared when looking at the list in that way. Reading the decrees also took a considerable amount of time, but it was well worthwhile to compare different governments & their attitude toward Recoleta Cemetery & conservation. Especially bizarre is that since democracy was restored in 1983 not a single tomb was added to the national heritage list until 2007. No wonder the place was falling apart.

Published inHistory


  1. Harvey Silverman Harvey Silverman

    Does anyone have a history of Benjamin Breitman whose tomb at Recoleta is empty. Who was he and why is the tomb empty.

  2. Harvey – Breitman’s family would have moved all caskets to another cemetery, but no one seems to know about his personal history. I know one person that I can ask, but I won’t see him until Friday. If I found out something, I’ll post it here.

  3. Marcelo Breitman Marcelo Breitman

    Benjamin Breitman is my uncle and he purchased the empty tomb at Recoleta Cemetery to be occupied by him after his death.

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