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Category: Vistas

303. victorio garcía de zuñiga

Victorio García de Zuñiga, Recoleta Cemetery

Aquí yace Dn Victorio García de Zuñiga.
Nació el 16 de Nov. de 1772.
Murió el 22 de Agosto del 1854.

It’s surprising how many original tombstones are scattered near the entrance gate. Although standard when Recoleta Cemetery opened in 1822, by the first refit in 1881 they began to disappear & were replaced with elaborate, family vaults. So 155 years after his death, Victorio can still be remembered… fascinating for a place that has seen so many changes.

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292. 360º

Can’t make it to the cemetery? No problem… there’s another alternative.

360cities currently has two, full panorama views inside: one at Sarmiento’s tomb & another at the largest intersection of walkways. Clicking on the photo below takes you to this panorama; they now charge for embedding:

Panning right, several tombs appear which have already been profiled in this blog: Ramón López Lecube, Pablo Riccheri, Father Fahy, Remedios de Escalada & Guillermo Brown (barely visible behind the Christ statue).

Thanks to Ronald for the tip. Hopefully we can find some more spots to photograph when I’m back in BA!

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